Enough is Enough! A Luta Continua!

United Front

The United Front will unite the working classes, rural and urban in struggle and in which women and youth will be in the forefront. The United Front is a front of mass action and struggle. Across the country people in communities, workplaces, townships and villages are mobilising against poverty, inequality and corruption. We view our first and main task to build movements that mobilise to fight corruption, looting of public resources, failing service delivery, increasingly unaccountable governance, violence against women, children and LGBTQI people, police brutality, and anti-poor/pro-rich economic policies (“neo-liberalism”); We will resist retrenchments, cut-offs, evictions, collapse of our education and health systems and the retribalisation of the countryside.





All those who agree and accept the vision, aims, mission, principles, programme. duties and obligations of the UF will be allowed to join our Front.



082 817 0097

Kwezilomso Mbandazayo – National Co-Convenor

083 987 9633

Mazibuko K. Jara – National Secretary

078 457 9855

Dinga Sikwebu – Secretariat Coordinator

073 408 2674

John Appolis – National Campaigns Coordinator